Useful Information of l’Ampolla

We offer you information of interest from l’Ampolla to help you to plan your trip.

Interest Phones

Check all the addresses and phone numbers of l’Ampolla.

Currency and exchange

The official currency is the euro. You can make the change service to the banks, the savings banks and also in the main hotel and camping establishments, the exchange agencies and travel agencies. In general, the banking hours are from Monday to Saturday from 8.30 a.m. to 2 p.m. (in summer: closed Saturdays).

Free Wi-Fi

Enjoy free wifi service of l’Ampolla.

Business Hours

In general, shops open from Monday to Saturday. (09:00 – 13:00 / 17:00 – 20:00) in high season, the hours are extended and Sundays open from 09:00 – 13:00.

Post offices, telegraphs and telephones

If you need to mail the correspondence or buy stamps, you will have to go to the post office and tobacconist. From the post offices, you can also send telegrams by phone. You can make phone calls from the telephone offices and from the telephone booths (they work with coins and with telephone cards that you can acquire in offices and tobacconists). General information: 11818. International information: 11825.

Entry formalities in Spain

The movement of travelers through the Franco-Spanish border is free. If you access Andorra and you are a citizen of the European Union, you must submit your identity document, whereas if you are not a resident of the EU, you must present your valid passport.

In airports and seaports, travelers from the signatory countries of the Schengen Treaty (Germany, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, etc.) do not have to pass any control of documents, while travelers from the rest of EU countries that are not signatories to the treaty, they must pass the control of documentation, and travelers from countries not belonging to the EU must present their valid passport.

Embassies and consulates abroad in Spain

For more information, search the Official Spanish Tourism Web.