The natural ponds, natural route for the richness of the coastal

The route

The natural ponds route is a unique proposal designed carried along the inner wealth of the littoral of l’Ampolla. A ride between scenes of green so intense that they seem extracted from fantastic novels.

Full of olive and carob trees, surrounded by virgin vegetation of small pine forests that make the walk easier thanks to a bit of shade.

The natural ponds

You will be surprised by small corners that mark the history and customs of our people, such as clay ponds, although they say they are natural, they are not, because they are the work of man and they were used as drinking trough for animals.


 Route  GR path

  • 1
    (0.000 m) 1. Starting point. Sant Pere gully. Go beside the gully, and then pass under the bridge.
  • 2
    (0.300 m) Fork. Turn right. Go through two tunnels.
  • 3
    (0.500 m) Fork. Turn right. Keep going straight on along the paved road running parallel to the motorway. You will reach a new fork, where you have to turn left. At about 1,100 meters, turn right into the new fork you’ll find. Then continue straight on towards Camí de Pitxó.
  • 4
    (3.700 m) Fork. Turn left. Keep going along the road surrounded by pine trees.
  • 5
    (4.200 m) Fork. Turn right. Keep going straight on.
  • 6
    (4.600 m) Arabic Oven. Pond ‘La Bassa de les Clotes’. Keep going along the paved road to the right.
  • 7
    (5.800 m) Ancient town of Garidells.
  • 8
    (6.300 m) Ancient lime kiln. Keep going straight on along the paved road. Fork. Turn left. Keep going straight on along the paved road. Continue and you will find three forks. Keep going straight on.
  • 9
    (6.900 m) Fork. Turn left. To other forks, keep going straight on along the paved road.
  • 10
    (10.500 m) Pond ‘Bassa del Mig’. Keep going straight on.
  • 11
    (11.900 m) Fork. Turn left. Ancient lime kiln and ancient limestone quarry. Then you will find two forks. The first one turn right, and the second one turn left.
  • 12
    (13.100 m) Fork. Turn right. You will find two forks, turn right both times.
  • 13
    (13.400 m) Cross the Furoné gully. Fork. Keep going straight on along the paved road.
  • 14
    (14.700 m) If you go to the left, you can visit the botanical garden Ecoherbes (located 500 m away. Fork. Turn right. Botanical garden Ecoherbes. You can visit it and then go back).
  • 15
    (15.000 m) Fork. Turn left. Fork. Turn right. Pass under the bridge. You are at the starting point of the itinerary.

Bird sightings

The sighting of species on this route is perfectly complemented with the itinerary ’The Olive Gardens’, although at these points we can enjoy easily other timid species that hide among the vegetation and from which we can only feel their songs or see them fleetingly.

Discover all bird watching routes in l’Ampolla.

Ethical Code of birder from the Ebro Delta Natural Park.

Species to observer

  • Little owl (Athene noctua)
  • Datford warbler (Sylvia undata)
  • Common nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos)
  • Golden oriole (Oriolus oriolus)
  • Barn owl (Tytonidae)
  • Eurasian eagle owl (Bubo bubo)

Download the checklist – birds list in l’Ampolla and add it to your personal list.

Last bird sightings in l’Ampolla.

Useful Information

  • This walk is perfect for any time of the year. The spring and autumn months are the best. Sunny winter days can also be especially very pleasant.
  • It can be extremely hot in the summer and you must start off early in the morning so as to avoid the midday heat. Do not forget to bring along drinking water and a hat.
  • The estimated time for the walk has been calculated at an easy relaxed pace. It should be borne in mind however that, depending on the number of stops made, it could take much longer.
  • The l’Ampolla tourist office can provide further information and will be only too pleased to help you with any queries or hear your suggestions.